Saturday, January 3, 2009


Bisphenol-A is a chemical used in the plastic and epoxy of formula cans and is also present in some baby bottles. There have been concerns that BPA could cause health risks to infants, though the FDA has assured us that the levels are not high enough to do so. However, Gerber along with other companies have started making BPA-free products which now can be found in most stores. The first kind I saw were the drop-ins by playtex, but now you can buy the cheap gerber bottles, BPA-free for about a dollar. Though there may not be any apparent health risks, I tend to wonder why Gerber has decided to make all of their products BPA-free, whatever the reason, It's good to know that there are cheap alternatives for going BPA-free.

Just for information, BPA is present in much of our food packaging NOT just baby bottles and some researchers say high amounts have been linked to causing cancers, obesity, autism and other hormonal and developmental problems.

For some really great information on the issue go to this reputable sight.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

So, I'm loving this have some great info and the links to the sites you found are pretty good! Thank a bunch!!!